Filipino-Canadian Association of Vaughan (FCAV)

Philippine Canadian Friendship Parkette

Taken at the Seniors Community Garden after FCAV Board of Directors Meeting on August 6, 2021. We hope to harvest tomatoes, zucchini, and chard next week.

On Saturday, July 10, FCAV volunteers planted vegetables on the Seniors Community Garden and planted flowers surrounding the Friendship Parkette sign. They also applied mulch on the plants/flowers facing Dufferin St. as well as cut the grass and remove weeds.

Thanks to the hard work of the volunteers especially Jackie C and Cherry G who also donated plants, Atilla M, Gloria D, Gary G, Joel M, Tony I, and Erlinda I.

The Philippine-Canadian Friendship Parkette is ready for use. In fact, the Arnis Martial Arts had its practice there on Sunday, July 11.


This was the Friendship Parkette sign last year (2020)


We have received a grant to beautify the Philippine Friendship Parkette from the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP). The aim of our project is to support our seniors  by promoting socialization, mental health and physical health through gardening the area which includes planting flowers, shrubs, vegetables near the Friendship Parkette Sign. This grant also includes  line dancing and Zumba exercises which gets seniors moving in a fun way.

Due to COVID-19, we had to post-pone the start of the project to June 15 2020. We had a maximum of five volunteers, at a given time, due to the restrictions and guidelines recommended by health officials.We also had safety measures in place  such as mandatory masks, gloves, and a physical distance of at least two metres between each individual.

We have purchased and received donations in the form of shrubs, flowers, a handful of vegetables and other plants to beautify the friendship parkette and its’ surroundings. We have also created a small vegetable garden that will help get out seniors active and engaged.

We would like to thank Frank Miele, and Jackie Cristini who spearheaded the beautification of the Philippine Friendship Parkette. Likewise we would like to thank FCAV volunteers like Tony I, Gary G, Joel M, Sonny M, Atilla M, Gloria D, Pastor Nars Tuyading and his crew from the Maple Baptist Church. In addition we would like to thank Giselle Mirasol, who donated $100 for the project.



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